Adobe's AI: Your New Digital Art Assistant

PLUS: Google's AI Reimagines Beethoven

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AI is flexing its digital muscles harder than a gym rat on New Year's Day, we're here to spotlight the latest tech bicep curls. From Adobe's design steroids to Toyota's drift-happy robots, it's time to strap in for a newsletter that's more self-aware than a millennial's Twitter bio.

๐Ÿ˜‡ What NOT to worry

  • Your Photoshop skills becoming obsolete overnight โ€“ Adobe's AI is here to enhance, not replace your creative genius.

  • Self-driving cars turning your commute into a Fast & Furious audition โ€“ Toyota's drifting demos are more about safety than street cred.

๐Ÿ˜ข What TO worry

  • The gaming industry's AI makeover โ€“ turns out, the only thing faster than respawn times might be job losses.

  • Google's AI reimagining historical figures โ€“ because nothing says "accurate search results" like Beethoven sporting a hipster beard and AirPods.

Buckle up, buttercup! We're about to embark on a journey where AI is the co-pilot, creativity is the fuel, and common sense is... well, let's just say it's on backorder. Ready to have your mind blown faster than an AI can generate a playlist cover? Let's dive in!


Adobe's AI Gets Even Smarter in Photoshop and Illustrator

Adobe is supercharging its popular creative apps with a slew of new AI-powered features. From magically filling shapes with detailed designs to mocking up packaging with a click, these AI tools aim to simplify workflows for designers and artists.

While Adobe promises the new AI is all about enhancing human creativity, not replacing it, the impressive demos suggest machines are getting pretty darn good at design. 

Of course, Adobe isn't training its AI on your projects... unless you let them. So while robot designers aren't stealing jobs yet, the smart new features might just make your creative process a little more automagical.

95%* of freelancers feel they paid too much in taxes

*Okay, we might have made up this stat, but it is the #1 thing we hear from users.

That's why Keeper helps freelancers, contractors, and self-employed people claim thousands in tax deductions and pay less in taxes.

The secret? Keeper's AI-powered write-off detection automatically scans your expenses for tax deductions that can add $1,249/yr or more in tax savings on average.

Tax deductible expenses include things like:

  • Business supplies ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

  • Software ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป 

  • Contractor payments ๐Ÿงพ

  • WiFi ๐ŸŒ


Toyota's Fast & Furious AI Stunt: Dual Drifting Self-Driving Cars

Toyota and Stanford researchers have taught self-driving cars a new trick: tandem drifting. In a flashy demo, two AI-powered Supras tore around a racetrack, sliding inches apart like stunt drivers from a Fast & Furious flick.

While it looks like showing off, the goal is improving how autonomous vehicles handle losing control in slippery conditions. By mastering drifting, the algorithms could one day help your car recover from a skid on an icy road. 

Of course, self-driving tech still struggles with basic tasks, so don't expect your Camry to start power sliding anytime soon. But Toyota's research could eventually make your daily commute a bit more like an action movie chase scene - minus Vin Diesel riding shotgun.


Apple Music's AI Mixtape Maker

Apple Music is getting an AI-powered glow up. In the iOS 18 beta code, there are hints of a new "Create Image" feature that lets users dream up custom playlist artwork with the help of Apple's AI assistant.

Just describe your ideal playlist cover and Apple's AI will generate some snazzy options to choose from. It's like having your own virtual art director - no design degree required.

While the feature isn't live for beta testers yet (bummer), it could be a fun way to add some pizzazz to your playlists. Move over, Spotify AI DJ, Apple Music is coming for the AI music crown.


The AI Job-pocalypse Hits the Gaming Industry

AI is infiltrating the nearly $200B video game industry, and the human fallout is already piling up. Thousands of game developers, artists, and writers have been laid off as studios quietly replace them with AI tools.

Major players like Activision Blizzard are using AI for concept art, asset generation, and more, justifying cuts and eroding job quality. Unionization efforts are brewing in response to the unchecked AI push.

While gaming execs gush about AI's potential, workers fear a "good enough" future where shoddy AI replaces craft and nuance. The robots aren't just making the games now - they're taking the jobs of those who did.


Google's AI-Powered Beethoven Blunder

Google's knowledge panels are serving up some surprising AI-generated images, like a modern take on Beethoven that's raising eyebrows. The tech giant isn't creating these quirky visuals themselves, just pulling them from third-party sites.

While the artistic interpretations are entertaining, it begs the question - should Google be featuring AI imaginings of historical figures in search results? As AI-generated content becomes increasingly common, it's a tricky line to walk.

For now, enjoy the AI-powered portrait gallery while it lasts. Just don't be shocked if Ludwig van Beethoven looks a little different than you remember from music history class.

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And that's your scoop for the week in the world of creative automation!

Stay tuned for more breakthroughs and insights as we step into the future ๐Ÿ‘‹

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