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  • AI's Latest: Transforming Infographics, Shaping Cars, and Apple's Crossroad! 🛣️

AI's Latest: Transforming Infographics, Shaping Cars, and Apple's Crossroad! 🛣️

Your Weekly Roundup of Creative Automation News! ⚡

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The road ahead for AI stretches long, with a few potholes along the way. 🛣️

Well, calling them potholes might be an understatement, we’re seeing a few cracks pop up.

But hey, on the bright side, we’ll have self-driving cars to guide us through smoothly… right? Right?

😇 What NOT to worry

  • Spending hours looking at a spreadsheet, wishing it could morph into anything less spreadsheet-y.

  • Not liking the shape of your living room.

  • Learning how to drive stick.

😢 What TO worry

  • Apple trading your privacy for AI.

Architecture & Design

Beta Realties Studio Wants You to Have Your House and Build It Too

Just design, click and print. That could be the new architectural future for urban communities as dreamed up by the 'spatial innovation' studio Beta Realities. Their innovative platform, Collective Parts, is flipping the script on traditional homebuilding, enabling soon-to-be homeowners to play architect with AI's help. Fresh off their win in the Initiative99 affordable housing challenge, they believe end-to-end automated, 3D-printed housing is the answer for our communities, catering to customer preferences and supporting a circular economy. Ready to click your way to a custom casa?

AI brews beer and your big ideas

What’s your biggest business challenge? Don’t worry about wording it perfectly or describing it just right. Brain dump your description into AE Studio’s new tool and AI will help you solve that work puzzle.

Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

AE Studio exists to solve business problems. They build great products and create custom software, AI and BCI solutions. And they once brewed beer by training AI to instruct a brewmeister and then to market the result. The beer sold out – true story.

Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.


Is AI Apple's Existential Threat? 

If we take a good look at the current AI landscape, there is one major player missing... Apple. Throughout the year, Apple has promised to bring exciting generative AI offerings to its ecosystem and has been flirting with the idea of teaming up with AI bigwigs like Google, OpenAI, and Baidu. However, this move has sparked concerns about how it might affect user privacy and the overall Apple experience, especially with strict AI regulations in places like China. Now, Apple faces the challenge of maintaining its renowned user experience while navigating the complex landscape of AI integration and global user consistency while having to play major catchup on its AI.

Graphic Design

Adobe Brings AI Magic to Dreaded Infographics 

At its recent Sneaks event, where Adobe gages new proposals that could end up in the app, the beginning stages of Project Infograph It were revealed. By simply inputting raw data and parsing the semantic meaning of a prompt, the tool delivers clever and personalised infographics in no time. It's perfect for those of us who've felt the existential dread of making quarterly results look engaging, or for anyone who’s ever thought; This data would look better in color.


Autodesk's AI Blueprint is Basically Designing Tomorrow 

Autodesk is weaving generative AI into the fabric of its wide-ranging portfolio, bringing a fresh wave of efficiency and creativity to the fields of architecture, engineering, construction, and beyond. It's definitely a bold step and ensures its community stays ahead in the ever-evolving technological landscape, unlocking new dimensions of design and project management.


The Numbers by Visiongrain: Automobile AI and Generative Design market projected to grow at a CAGR of 19% by 2034

The AI industry is accelerating faster than a sports car, and it's bringing the world of automotive design with it. Valued at US$630.7 million in 2023, the automotive AI and generative design industry is currently projected to grow at a CAGR of 19% during the forecast period 2024-2034. With companies like Nvidia leading the way, this growth is driven by AI's expanding role in improving vehicle designs, making manufacturing more efficient, and enhancing autonomous driving. The rise of electric vehicles adds to the demand for AI, from optimising battery life to managing charging stations.

And that's your scoop for the week in the world of creative automation!

Stay tuned for more breakthroughs and insights as we step into the future👋

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