Bizarre Photo Fools AI Judges: The Human Touch Triumphs

Instagram, AI Art Wild West, and more ...

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In a world where every lens click and filter tweak gets tangled in the AI web, we're here to focus on what truly matters—like a master photographer framing the perfect shot. Let's dive into the quirky, the controversial, and the downright hilarious corners of our tech-touched reality.

This week, we've got tales of trickery, labeling lunacy, and some major moolah making its way to AI startups. Grab your camera, and let's capture the essence of the week in pixels and prose.

😇 What NOT to worry

  • A photographer's real-photo prank won an AI art contest, proving human creativity can still outsmart the machines.

  • Picsart and Getty Images are creating a "safe" AI image generator, offering a reliable alternative to current models.

😢 What TO worry

  • Instagram's "Made with AI" tags are mislabeling real photos edited with AI tools, frustrating photographers.

  • AWS is showering millions on AI startups, raising concerns about the future dependency on cloud giants.


Real Photo Pranks AI Art Contest, Proves Humans Can't Be Replaced

In a humorous twist, a photographer entered an entirely real, if surreal, photo into the AI category of a major photography contest - and won! The judges, including experts from The New York Times and Getty Images, were duped into thinking the bizarre flamingo snap was AI-generated. 

While the photographer was later disqualified, the stunt playfully showed that human creativity can still outsmart the machines. As AI images flood the internet, it's getting harder to distinguish real from fake. But this cheeky prank offers a glimmer of hope that there's still a place for old-fashioned human ingenuity behind the lens.

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Instagram's AI Labeling Woes: Faking Out Photographers

Instagram's new "Made with AI" tags are causing a stir among photographers. The labels are popping up on real, human-taken photos edited with AI tools in Photoshop, not just AI-generated pics. 

While Instagram says it's just reading image metadata, shutterbugs are miffed about being lumped in with fake images. The head of Instagram admits the system needs work to avoid frustrating photogs.

It's a complex issue as true AI-made content slips by untagged. For now, Insta's approach feels like an overreach to many camera jockeys.

Is a more nuanced labeling solution needed? The snapshot of opinion seems to say yes.

Tech & Ethics

Picsart Partners with Getty for 'Safe' AI Image Gen

Picsart and Getty Images are joining forces to create an AI image generator they claim will be "responsible and commercially-safe." Training exclusively on Getty's licensed stock content, they aim to address copyright concerns surrounding AI-generated visuals.

Sound familiar? It's a bit like Adobe's "squeaky clean" Firefly model. But with Adobe's generator spreading across its uber-popular Creative Cloud apps, Picsart may have an uphill battle winning over creators.

Still, for anyone sketched out by Adobe's approach, Picsart and Getty's contender could be an appealing "safe" alternative when it launches later this year. Let the AI art wars begin!

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Amazon Raining Millions on AI Startups

AWS is making it rain for AI startups, pledging a whopping $230 million to boost generative AI apps. The cloud giant is showering early-stage companies with AWS credits, mentorship, and more through its AI accelerator program.

Lucky chosen ones could snag up to $1 million in credits to fuel their AI ambitions. It's like a Shark Tank episode, but with fewer sharks and more servers.

AWS wants these AI whiz kids to dream big and solve the world's problems. But let's be real, they also wouldn't mind if those solutions run on AWS. 

As the AI race heats up, Amazon's not afraid to flash some cash to stay ahead.


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And that's your scoop for the week in the world of creative automation!

Stay tuned for more breakthroughs and insights as we step into the future 👋

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